Daily Content Archive
(as of Friday, October 21, 2022)Word of the Day | |||||||
Daily Grammar Lesson | |
ConjugationConjugation refers to the way we inflect (change the form of) verbs to create particular meanings. What is grammatical tense? More... |
Article of the Day | |
![]() RoxelanaThe story of Roxelana is a true rags-to-riches tale. Little is known of her early life, but she was likely born in Ukraine in the 16th century. At some point, she was captured by Crimean Tatars and taken as a slave. Brought to Constantinople (now Istanbul), she was selected to be a concubine in the harem of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Roxelana soon gained Suleiman's favor and—in a shocking break with tradition—he made her his legal wife. What did this mean for the sons she bore him? More... |
This Day in History | |
![]() HMAS Australia Is First Ship Ever Hit by Kamikaze Attack (1944)In Japanese, kamikaze means "divine wind," a reference to the typhoon that foiled the Mongol invasion of Japan in 1281. In World War II, the term was used for Japanese pilots who made deliberate suicidal crashes into enemy targets. Such attacks sank 34 ships and damaged hundreds, killing thousands. In the lead up to the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Australia became perhaps the first ship damaged by a kamikaze. How many kamikaze attacks did it survive? More... |
Today's Birthday | |
![]() Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772)One of the most versatile and influential figures in the English Romantic movement, Coleridge was a poet and critic who perfected a sensuous lyricism in his poetry that was echoed by many later poets. His most famous works include "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "Kubla Khan." Known for his influential lectures on Shakespeare, he later wrote Biographia Literaria, the most significant work of general literary criticism of the Romantic period. To what drug was Coleridge addicted? More... |
Quotation of the Day | |
![]() George Eliot (1819-1880) |
Idiom of the Day | |
catch a snooze— To sleep or take a nap, especially of a short duration. More... |
Today's Holiday | |
![]() Trafalgar Day (2023)This is the anniversary of the famous naval battle fought by the British off Cape Trafalgar, Spain, in 1805, under the command of Viscount Horatio Nelson (1758-1805). The victory over Napoleon's forces cost Lord Nelson his life and is commemorated by the column erected in his honor in London's Trafalgar Square. Ceremonies on Trafalgar Day, or Nelson Day, include a naval parade from London's Mall to Trafalgar Square, where a brief service is held and wreaths are placed at the foot of Nelson's Column. More... |
Word Trivia | |
Today's topic: meteorastrobleme - A crater caused by a meteor. More... aerolithology - The study of meteors. More... meteorite - A meteor that survives and makes it to a planet; types of meteorites include siderites/irons, aerolites/stones, and siderolites (iron/stone). More... falling star - Another name for meteor or shooting star. More... |