Daily Content Archive
(as of Sunday, November 4, 2018)Word of the Day | |||||||
Daily Grammar Lesson | |
Relative ClausesRelative clauses (also known as adjective clauses or adjectival clauses) are dependent clauses that provide descriptive information about a noun or noun phrase. What introduces a relative clause? More... |
Article of the Day | |
![]() Sea SnakesInhabiting the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, sea snakes can sometimes be found swarming by the thousands. Oarlike tails help them swim and a specialized lung and valved nostrils allow them to remain submerged for up to eight hours. There are more than 50 species of sea snake, all of which are venomous. Their venom quickly immobilizes small fish and other prey; however, they are not aggressive and rarely attack humans. Almost all sea snakes are ovoviviparous, which means what? More... |
This Day in History | |
![]() "Genie" the Feral Child Discovered by California Authorities (1970)One of the worst known cases of child abuse and social isolation in American history is that of "Genie," a girl forced to spend the first 13 years of her life alone in her bedroom, most of the time strapped to a potty chair. She was never spoken to and was apparently beaten if she attempted to speak. By the time she was discovered by authorities, she was nearly mute—her vocabulary consisted of about 20 words and a few short phrases. What did experts hope to learn by studying Genie? More... |
Today's Birthday | |
![]() Will Rogers (1879)Rogers was an American humorist and actor. A cowboy in his youth, Rogers traveled the world before returning to the US to perform in vaudeville and Wild West shows as a rider and trick roper. The "cowboy philosopher's" homespun wit and salty commentary on current political and social events soon earned him a following through movies, books, radio, and a syndicated newspaper column. A champion of airplane travel, Rogers made several long plane trips, but died in a crash with what famous aviator? More... |
Quotation of the Day | |
![]() George Eliot (1819-1880) |
Idiom of the Day | |
have good antennae— To be very sensitive (to something); to have a keen sense of detection or perception. Likened to the antennae of (e.g.) an insect, which are extremely sensitive to environmental stimuli. More... |
Today's Holiday | |
![]() Tonga National Day (2023)Located in the Pacific Ocean some 1,250 miles north of New Zealand, the island nation of Tonga consists of about 150 islands, 36 of which are inhabited. With a population of about 120,000, Tonga is ruled by a royal family that goes back to 1831. On November 4, 1875, King George Tupou I gave his consent to the constitution of the new nation of Tonga. Celebrated for many years as Tonga Constitution Day, the holiday was renamed by the government in 2006 as Tonga National Day and pronounced as an occasion to celebrate the country's heritage as a whole. More... |
Word Trivia | |
Today's topic: voteco-opt - "To select (someone) for a group or club by a vote of members," it is from Latin cooptare, "to choose as a colleague or member of one's tribe"; its sense of "take over" came by 1953. More... ostracism - In ancient Greece, when it was proposed that a person be sent into exile, a vote was taken and the method of registering the vote involved putting the name on a piece of broken pottery called ostrakon; casting the vote was ostrakizein, giving us English ostracism. More... red state, blue state - A red state is any U.S. state that tends to vote for candidates of the Republican party in a general election; a blue state votes for Democratic candidates. More... chirotonize - To elect by voting or to vote. More... |