five stones

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five stones

(Games, other than specified) the game of jacks played with five stones
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Next comes boy Jack, Tom Moody's son, who weighs five stone, measures eight-and-forty inches, and will never be any bigger.
? Atlas Stones: Pick up five stones in ascending weight order 100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 130kg, 150kg and place over a 4ft yoke within 60 seconds.
The concluding novel in The Five Stones Trilogy begins with Chase, Evelyn, and Knox struggling through personal journeys in order to stop Dankar, the power-hungry Exorian Keeper, from taking the remaining three stones in Ayda, a magic-infused land shrouded from human view.
The Beagle has now dropped from five stones to 3st 3lb and is well on his way to achieving his ideal body weight of 2st 13lb.
Castleford utility back Roberts is giving away nine inches in height and more than five stones in weight to giant prop Masoe, who featured alongside him in the 2013 World Cup and last year's Four Nations.
Ceram-ics, video and sculptureall play a part in the display which takes its inspirationfrom the Duddo Five Stones, a stone circle in the North- umberland countryside.
None more so than that of our winner, Daniel Henderson, who has lost almost five stones during the course of the challenge.
A NURSE who ate less and less food died after her body weight dropped below five stones, an inquest heard.
Fantastic buys at this moment are 1.00ct diamond studs at pounds 990 1.00ct five stone rings at pounds 890 (all in 18ct), 2.30ct seven stone at pounds 1950 and 2.00ct five stones at pounds 1950.
Ben Fletcher, 17, pictured now, and (inset) how he was last March before he shed five stones. DJ181208WEIG2
He had lost almost five stones after having his stomach stapled, was able to make cameos in exhibition matches and did some TV presenting.