Apps powered by The Free Dictionary

NEW! Medical Dictionary - Healthcare Definitions and Terminology

  • 180,000+ medical terms from top sources trusted by healthcare professionals.
  • Authoritative definitions from McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Elsevier, Mosby's, Saunders, Dorland's, Gale, and more.
  • Get it now for FREE, no subscriptions required.

Legal Dictionary

  • 58,000+ legal definitions from multiple law dictionary sources and a legal thesaurus, all from industry-leading publishers trusted by scholars, jurists, and attorneys.
  • Offline content.
  • Clear, in-depth entries on important legal cases, precedents, movements, and individuals significant to the history of law.

Financial Dictionary

  • 26,000+ financial and business terms from multiple business dictionary sources, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • Nearly 20,000 entries available anytime offline.
  • Clear, in-depth entries on investing, financial analysis, banking, international business, taxes, insurance, micro and macroeconomics, and more.

Encyclopedia by Farlex

  • 330,000+ encyclopedia articles from multiple sources, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • 24,000+ images, including vivid photos, illustrations, and charts.
  • Covers a vast array of topics, including history, science, art, culture, and the natural world, featuring extensive information on countries, prominent figures, and much more.

Science Dictionary

  • 100,000+ scientific terms from multiple authoritative science encyclopedias and dictionaries.
  • Thousands of images, including detailed diagrams and illustrations.
  • Covers biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, oceanography, environmental science, computer science, and more.

Nursing Dictionary

  • 56,000+ definitions from multiple medical dictionary sources trusted by nursing and healthcare professionals.
  • 9,000+ images, including photos and detailed diagrams.
  • Covers intervention, patient monitoring, anatomy, diseases, treatments, tests and procedures, and medical research topics, and includes a drug guide for more than 4,000 prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Dental Dictionary

  • 18,000+ definitions of dental terminology from leading sources trusted by dentists.
  • 3,000+ images, including illustrations, photographs, and X-ray images.
  • Covers diseases, causes, treatment methods, oral hygiene, dental tools, and more.

Medicine Dictionary and Drug Guide

  • Search thousands of prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs in authoritative medical dictionaries trusted by doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals.
  • Covers side effects, drug class, administration, treatment methods, interactions, contraindications, off-label uses, chemical makeup, generic and brand names, patient monitoring, and much more.

Veterinary Dictionary

  • 44,000+ definitions from a comprehensive, industry-leading veterinary dictionary.
  • Hundreds of images, including photos, illustrations, and X-rays of specific injuries.
  • Includes entries on large and small animals, anatomy, illnesses, symptoms, treatment methods, tests and procedures, and much more.

Computer Dictionary

  • 29,000+ definitions of computing concepts and IT terminology from industry-leading publishers, plus offline mode.
  • 5,000+ images, including detailed diagrams, illustrations, and photos.
  • Covers fundamental technology concepts, software and hardware, informative historical content, biographies, company backgrounders, acronyms, abbreviations, and more.

Engineering Dictionary

  • 28,000+ definitions of engineering terms from multiple authoritative engineering dictionaries and encyclopedias, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • 9,000+ engineering images, including diagrams, illustrations, and architectural photos.
  • Covers civil engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, and nuclear engineering, plus historical information and more.

Architecture Dictionary

  • 28,000+ architecture terms from multiple authoritative architecture encyclopedias and dictionaries, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • 9,000+ architectural images, including photos, illustrations, and diagrams of significant structures and elements.
  • Covers design elements, architectural movements, prominent figures, and the architecture of different eras, religions, and countries, and more.

Real Estate Dictionary

  • Thousands of real estate definitions from multiple real estate, mortgage, and financial dictionaries, all from industry-leading publishers.
  • Hundreds of images, including detailed diagrams and more.
  • Covers mortgages, property law, closing costs, down payments, commissions, real estate organizations, property types, and much more.

Holiday Calendar

  • 8,000+ entries with in-depth information on holidays, festivals, and celebrations from around the world!
  • Search by date to see which holidays occur on that day, or search by name to find specific holidays.
  • Covers holidays' origins, history, significance, location-specific customs, and more.

Spanish Dictionary & Thesaurus with English Translations

  • 105,000+ Spanish definitions, including verb conjugations and audio pronunciations.
  • 20,000+ words available in the free offline Spanish dictionary. No additional downloads required!
  • Translate words from Spanish to English.

Diccionario español y sinónimos

  • 105,000+ definiciones en español.
  • 20,000+ palabras disponibles en el diccionario offline.
  • Las formas conjugadas de los verbos.

German Dictionary & Thesaurus with English Translations

  • 96,000+ German definitions, including verb conjugations and audio pronunciations of words.
  • Thousands of words available in the free offline German dictionary. No additional downloads required!
  • Translate words from German to English.

Deutsch Wörterbuch und Thesaurus

  • Über 96.000 deutsche Definitionen
  • Tausende Wörter auch im Offline Wörterbuch verfügbar
  • Zeige Verb-Konjugationen an

Russian Dictionary & Thesaurus with English Translations

  • 58,000+ Russian definitions, including audio pronunciations of words.
  • 56,000+ words available in the free offline Russian dictionary. No additional downloads required!
  • Translate words from Russian to English.

Русский словарь и тезаурус

  • 58 000+ слов в русском словаре.
  • 56 000+ слов доступны офлайн.
  • Произношение русских слов.