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(nid)n., v.
auxiliary v., pres. sing. 3rd pers. need. n.
Need has the negative forms need not and do not need. The contracted forms needn't and don't need are also used. However, you cannot use all these forms for all meanings of need. This is explained below.
If you need something, it is necessary for you to have it.
For this meaning of need, the negative form is do not need.
Be Careful!
Don't use a progressive form of 'need'. Don't say, for example, 'We are needing some milk'. Say 'We need some milk'.
If you need to do something, it is necessary for you to do it.
You must use to in sentences like these. Don't say, for example, 'You'll need work hard to pass this exam'.
In negative statements you usually use do not need to. You say, for example, 'He doesn't need to go'. You can also use need not as the negative form. For example, you can say 'He needn't go'. However, this is less common and more formal. Don't say 'He doesn't need go' or 'He needn't to go'.
In questions, you almost always use do and need to. You usually only use need on its own in a few set phrases, such as 'Need I say more?' and 'Need I remind you?'
If you tell someone that they don't need to or need not do something, you are saying that it is not necessary for them to do it. If you want to say that it is necessary for someone not to do something, don't use 'need'. Instead you use must not or mustn't.
If you want to say that it was not necessary for someone to do something at a time in the past, you say that they didn't need to do it or they didn't have to do it. Don't say that they 'needn't' do it.
However, in a reporting structure you can use needn't.
If someone has done something and you want to say that it was not necessary, you can say that they needn't have done it.
You can use need with an -ing form to say that something should have something done to it. For example, you can say 'The cooker needs cleaning', rather than 'The cooker needs to be cleaned'.
Past participle: needed
Gerund: needing
Imperative |
need |
need |
Noun | 1. | ![]() condition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations" deficiency, lack, want - the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem"; "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions"; "for want of a nail the shoe was lost" necessity - the condition of being essential or indispensable |
2. | need - anything that is necessary but lacking; "he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs"; "I tried to supply his wants" essential, necessary, requisite, necessity, requirement - anything indispensable; "food and shelter are necessities of life"; "the essentials of the good life"; "allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions"; "a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained" | |
3. | ![]() psychological feature - a feature of the mental life of a living organism life - a motive for living; "pottery was his life" rational motive - a motive that can be defended by reasoning or logical argument irrational motive - a motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic mental energy, psychic energy - an actuating force or factor | |
4. | need - a state of extreme poverty or destitution; "their indigence appalled him"; "a general state of need exists among the homeless" impoverishment, poorness, poverty - the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions mendicancy, mendicity, beggary - the state of being a beggar or mendicant; "they were reduced to mendicancy" | |
Verb | 1. | need - require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent" exact, claim, take - take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her" govern - require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; "most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German" draw - require a specified depth for floating; "This boat draws 70 inches" cost - require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice; "This mistake cost him his job" cry for, cry out for - need badly or desperately; "This question cries out for an answer" compel - necessitate or exact; "the water shortage compels conservation" |
2. | need - have need of; "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner" cry - demand immediate action; "This situation is crying for attention" be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer" | |
3. | need - have or feel a need for; "always needing friends and money" |
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" [Karl Marx Critique of the Gotha Programme]
[niːd]without the need to pay so much → sin necesidad de pagar tanto
staff are always available, in case of need → siempre hay personal disponible en caso de necesidad
there is a need for qualified staff → hay demanda de personal cualificado
there is every need for discretion in this matter → es muy necesario mantener discreción en este asunto
a house in need of painting → una casa que hace falta pintar
to be in need of; have need of; stand in need of → necesitar
when I'm in need of a drink → cuando necesito un trago, cuando me hace falta tomar algo
there's no need to worry → no hay por qué preocuparse
there's no need for you to go → no hace falta or no es preciso que vayas
there's no need for that sort of language! → ¡no hay ninguna necesidad de usar ese vocabulario!, ¡no hace falta usar ese vocabulario!
I have no need of advice → no me hacen falta consejos, no necesito consejos
in times of need → en momentos de apuro or necesidad
see also needs
the needs of industry → las necesidades de la industria
my needs are few → es poco lo que necesito
bodily needs → necesidades fpl corporales
a holiday that caters for every need → unas vacaciones que satisfacen todas las necesidades
they tended to my every need → procuraban que no me faltase de nada
to supply sb's needs → proveer lo que necesita algn
I need a bigger car → necesito or me hace falta un coche más grande
I need two more to make up the series → me faltan dos para completar la serie
I need to get some petrol → tengo que echar gasolina
she needs to go to the toilet → tiene que ir al servicio or (LAm) al baño
he needs to be told everything twice → hay que decírselo todo dos veces
they don't need to be told all the details → no es preciso or no hace falta contarles todos los detalles
you only needed to ask → tenía más que pedírmelo
he needs watching → hay que vigilarlo
that's all I need!, that's just what I need! (iro) → ¡sólo me faltaba eso! (iro), ¡lo que me faltaba! (iro)
it's just what I needed → es precisamente lo que necesitaba
I need this like I need a hole in the head → esto es lo último que necesitaba
a much needed holiday → unas vacaciones muy necesarias
he needed no asking → no se hizo de rogar
who needs more motorways? → ¿para qué queremos más autopistas?
it needs care → requiere cuidado
a visa is needed → se requiere un visado
this room needs painting → este cuarto hay que or hace falta pintarlo
I gave it a much needed wash → le di un buen lavado, que era lo que necesitaba
the report needs no comment → el informe no deja lugar a comentarios
this will need some explaining → no va a ser fácil explicar esto
I need hardly remind you that → no hace falta que les recuerde que ...
need I say that this is untrue? → ni que decir tiene que esto no es cierto
it need not follow that → lo que no significa necesariamente que ...
I needn't have bothered → fue trabajo perdido
[ˈniːd]to feel the need to do sth → ressentir le besoin de faire qch
to be in need of sth [person] → avoir besoin de qch
vulnerable children who are in need of help → des enfants vulnérables qui ont besoin d'aide
The law is in need of revision → La loi a besoin d'être révisée.
in case of need → en cas de besoin
there's no need (= it's not necessary) → pas besoin
"I'll wipe the dishes." - "There's no need." → "Je vais essuyer la vaisselle." - "Pas besoin"
There's no need for that → Il n'y a pas besoin de ça.
There's no need for us to finish this today → Nous n'avons pas besoin de finir ça aujourd'hui.
to have no need to do sth → ne pas avoir besoin de faire qch
He has no need to work → Il n'a pas besoin de travailler.
there's no need to do ... → il n'y a pas besoin de faire ..., il n'est nul besoin de faire ...
There's no need to shout → Il n'y a pas besoin de crier.
All right, no need to shout → D'accord, pas besoin de crier.
There's no need to get so upset
BUT Il n'y a pas de quoi se mettre dans des états pareils.
to answer a need → répondre à un besoin
These groups are obviously answering a need → Il est évident que ces groupes répondent à un besoin.
there's a need for → il y a un besoin de
There's a need for more information → Il y a un besoin de plus d'information.
if need be (= if necessary) → si besoin est
Boil for 6 hours, topping up the water if need be → Faites bouillir pendant six heures, en remettant de l'eau si besoin est.
to be in need (= poor) → être dans le besoin
children in need → les enfants dans le besoin needs
You never consider my needs → Tu ne prends jamais mes besoins en compte.
to meet sb's needs → pourvoir aux besoins de qn
£100 will meet my immediate needs → 100 livres pourvoiront à mes besoins immédiats.
emotional needs → besoins émotionnels
I need a bigger size → J'ai besoin d'une plus grande taille.
You need glasses → Tu as besoin de lunettes.
I need a holiday → J'ai besoin de vacances.
to need to do sth → avoir besoin de faire qch
I need to change some money → J'ai besoin de changer de l'argent.
to need looking after
He needs looking after → Il a besoin qu'on s'occupe de lui.
who needs it? (suggesting sth is unnecessary or not useful) → à quoi ça sert?
He needn't know I'm here → Il n'a pas besoin de savoir que je suis ici.
Come along, Mother, we needn't take up any more of Mr Kemp's time → Venez Mère, nul besoin d'abuser encore du temps de M. Kemp.
"Need I stay?" - "No, you needn't." → "Dois-je rester?" - "Non, c'est inutile."
I needn't add that ... → nul besoin d'ajouter que ...
I needn't add that if you fail to do as I ask, you will suffer the consequences → Nul besoin d'ajouter que si vous ne faisiez pas ce que je vous demande, vous en souffririez les conséquences.
I needn't have worried → Je n'avais pas lieu de m'inquiéter.
Need I say more? → Est-il besoin d'en dire plus?
[niːd]if need(s) be → se necessario
in case of need → in caso di bisogno or necessità
there's no need to worry → non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi
there's no need for you to come too → non c'è bisogno or non occorre che venga anche tu
what need is there to buy it? → che bisogno c'è di comprarlo?
to be in need of, to have need of → aver bisogno di
she felt in need of a friend → sentiva il bisogno di un amico
there's a great need for a book on this subject → c'è molto bisogno di un libro su questo argomento
in times of need → nei momenti difficili
to be in need → essere bisognoso/a
he needs money → ha bisogno di soldi, gli occorrono soldi
I need it → ne ho bisogno, mi serve
it's just what I need → è proprio quel che mi ci vuole
a signature is needed → occorre or ci vuole una firma
a much needed holiday → una vacanza di cui si ha proprio bisogno
all that you need → tutto ciò che occorre
he doesn't need me to tell him what to do → non c'è bisogno che sia io a dirgli cosa deve fare
he needs watching or to be watched → va tenuto d'occhio
this book needs careful reading → questo libro richiede un'attenta lettura
the report needs no comment → il rapporto non ha bisogno di commenti
he needs to have everything explained to him → bisogna spiegargli proprio tutto
he doesn't need to be told all the details → non c'è bisogno di or non occorre dirgli tutti i particolari
you only needed to ask → bastava che lo chiedessi
it needed a war to alter things → c'è voluta una guerra per cambiare le cose
I need hardly tell you that ... → non c'è bisogno che io le dica or di dirle che...
I need to do it → bisogna che io lo faccia, lo devo fare
you don't need to go → non c'è bisogno che or non è necessario che tu vada, non devi andare per forza
you needn't wait → non c'è bisogno che or non è necessario che aspetti
you needn't have bothered to come → non occorreva che venissi
it need not be done now → non c'è bisogno di farlo ora
it need not follow that ... → non ne consegue necessariamente che... + sub
(niːd) – negative short form needn't (ˈniːdnt) – verbneed
→ حَاجَةٌ, يَحَتاجُ إِلَى potřeba, potřebovat behov, behøve Bedürfnis, brauchen ανάγκη, χρειάζομαι necesidad, necesitar tarve, tarvita avoir besoin, besoin potreba, trebati aver bisogno, esigenza 必要, 必要とする 요구, 필요하다 behoefte, nodig hebben behov, trenge potrzeba, potrzebować necessidade, precisar необходимый элемент, нуждаться behov, behöva ความต้องการ, ต้องการ gerek duymak, ihtiyaç cần, nhu cầu 需求, 需要need
- We need a second key
- We need more dishes (US)
We need more crockery (UK) - We need more sheets
- We need more blankets